Thursday, January 26, 2012

Entering the Blogosphere

I have never been much of a blogger. I've always enjoyed looking at other people's blogs and seeing what they have to say about anything, especially for people who have traveled extensively or who like to plan events or trips.

Well, now I am officially a part of the blogosphere, and my niche is the "Hobbyist". I am part of the 61% of bloggers who blog about whatever they want to, basically whatever they find interesting at that time. So after reading the article on Techonorati, I learned a few essential things about blogging.
  • As a Hobbyist, I should be more concerned with being personally satisfied with what I am blogging about and having to do with something I'm interested in. I want people to enjoy what I write about, but ultimately, I just want to be able to speak my mind.
  • I will be more successful with my blog if I blog frequently. According to Technorati, people usually start a blog and then fade out within 5 to 6 months. People who forget or are not wanting to blog will not be successful.
  • Blogging for businesses is very handy. Although I am not blogging for any company, just for my class and own satisfaction, I still think that the business tactic of having a blog updated frequently is pretty cool. Maybe later in life that will be a way will go, but for now, I'll just be posting whatever I want!
So for the next few months, I will be posting for my own entertainment, and hopefully for other people's entertainment as well! 

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